Objective: create novel and catchy brand language and visuals for Circle K
Task: Create messages and outstanding visuals for Circle K, the fuel retailer with the largest market share in Estonia, that stands out from its competitors.
Background and solution:
In the rather conservative field of fuel sellers, the primary communication revolves around price campaigns. However, in addition to fuel, Circle K also offers its customers other services and convenience products, which must be advertised to consumers daily in various channels.
Since the daily flood of information is insane, we have created more playful and fun creative solutions to differentiate ourselves from direct and indirect competitors. The messages designed for Circle K are built around an eye-catching fish cage and various puns that fly on social media and build brand awareness.
Working with Circle K’s various campaigns has also been a nice challenge for the agency’s Creative team, as they constantly have to create attention-grabbing messages that work together with outstanding campaign visuals.
The team members at the agency who worked on this project were:
Project manager: Mairi Talving
Creative director: Aleksander Urke
Copywriter: Aleksander Urke
Designer: Liis Kurm